Comprehensive Case Presentation Scoring Guide

Analyze and solve problems in the field of psychology through critical, scientific, and creative thinking.Does not employ elements of critical, scientific, and creative thinking in attempts to work out solutions for problems in the field of psychology.Describes problems in the field of psychology and employs elements of critical, scientific, and creative thinking to attempt to work out a solution.Analyzes and solves problems in the field of psychology through critical, scientific, and creative thinking.Analyzes, evaluates, and solves problems in the field of psychology through critical, scientific, and creative thinking.
Evaluate decisions or actions based on cultural competence and ethical principles.Does not describe influence of cultural competence and ethical principles on decisions or actions.Describes influence of cultural competence and ethical principles on decisions or actions.Evaluates decisions or actions based on cultural competence and ethical principles.Evaluates decisions or actions based in explicit culturally competent skills and specific ethical principles and standards.
Apply empirical research findings to issues in psychology.Does not identify empirical research findings related to issues in psychology.Identifies empirical research findings related to issues in psychology, but does not apply them.Applies empirical research findings to issues in psychology.Applies empirical research findings to solve issues in psychology.
Apply psychological theories and concepts to personal, organizational, and social issues.Does not apply psychological theories and concepts to personal, organizational, and social issues.Applies psychological theories and concepts to personal, organizational, and social issues, but there are significant errors.Applies psychological theories and concepts to personal, organizational, and social issues.Creatively applies psychological theories and concepts to personal, organizational, and social issues to solve problems.
Analyze psychological research findings and the research methods used to support them.Does not describe psychological research findings and the research methods used to support them.Describes psychological research findings and the research methods used to support them.Analyzes psychological research findings and the research methods used to support them.Analyzes and critically evaluates psychological research findings and the research methods used to support them.
Integrate knowledge of psychology with personal values and goals to guide personal and professional behavior.Does not establish goals to guide personal and professional behavior.Establishes goals to guide personal and professional behavior, but it is unclear how they integrate knowledge of psychology with personal values.Integrates knowledge of psychology with personal values and goals to guide personal and professional behavior.Integrates critical thinking and knowledge of psychology with personal values and goals to guide personal and professional behavior.
Employ appropriate written, verbal, and visual communication to convey content to an intended audience.Employs ineffective written, verbal, and/or visual communication that has serious errors.Employs generally effective written, verbal, and visual communication overall, but significant errors distract from the message.Employs appropriate written, verbal, and visual communication to convey content to an intended audience.Employs enhanced written, verbal, and/or visual communication that significantly aids reception of content by intended audience.
Apply APA style and formatting to written work.Does not apply APA style and formatting to written work.Applies APA style and formatting to written work with errors in attribution to sources through in-text citations or references, or in APA style for formatting documents.Applies APA style and formatting to written work.Applies APA style and formatting to written work. Exhibits correct attribution of sources through in-text citations and references with few errors, and adheres to APA style for formatting documents.