A Little Slice of My Life

This is the beginning of the first blog I’ve ever done just for me. I’ve had other blogs where I posted about business and work/life balance topics. I enjoyed that; it was tied to my work as a business coach. But those blogs weren’t personal, really. They didn’t let the readers into my life; they didn’t get to know who I really was outside of my business persona.

This blog is going to be different. I’ll write a blog whenever I feel like I have something to write about, probably a few times a week or so. I’ll be writing about many different things. I’ll talk about my life with chronic illness and disability, my freelance work, taking care of my dad, my 19-year-old daughter, my 4 cats, my old, big dog, and my young, small dog.

This blog will not be filled with beautiful, carefully curated, and filtered snapshots of my life. You’re going to see me at my best and at worst. I’m going to use this blog kind of like a journal. Since this isn’t really a business blog, it doesn’t matter a lot if nobody reads it. But I hope that some people who can relate read it. I hope that someone who needs to understand the chronic illness life reads it, I hope that someone who needs guidance on growing their business reads it, and I hope that someone who needs to make just a little extra money on a flexible schedule reads it… because these are the people I can help.

Today, I’m working on some microtasks on the UHRS platform through Clickworker. UHRS is a crowdsourcing platform that supports data labeling for various artificial intelligence (AI) scenarios. It’s pretty interesting, I think. The fact that these tasks, which take under a minute, usually, to do, can influence AI and machine learning is pretty cool.

I’ll also be working on writing some content for a client who needs help with some blog posts on a couple of different business topics. That’s it for work today, but then I also have to finish a paper for Abnormal Psychology and another for Culture, Ethics, and Diversity. These are classes that I’m taking for my Psychology degree.

In the last three or four years, I’ve done a Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing Management, an MBA, and a Master’s in Management and Leadership. I was going to continue on the business track and do a Bachelor’s, then a Master’s in Accounting. But then I decided that psychology has always interested me, so I figured I would change course and do that instead. It’s been really interesting so far, and I’m really enjoying it.

If you’re interested in making a little extra money on the side and want to start with Clickworker, you can use my link. It is a referral link, which means that I’ll be paid $5 once you make $10. There are tasks other than the UHRS ones on Clickworker, and you can also do UHRS through many other vendors. This is just the one I chose to go through for it.

You can sign up for Clickworker here. Then, you’ll see UHRS listed as an available task. You’ll need to sign in with a Microsoft Live ID that they’ll give you in order to do it. Payment is done by Payoneer, which can then be sent to your bank account, or you can get a Payoneer debit card.

And, as always, if you’re interested in seeing how I can help you, please contact me. I am a certified life coach, certified business and entrepreneurial coach, certified goal success life coach, and more. I can help you learn how to start and grow your business or take things off your plate so you can focus on the income-producing activities you’re meant to do.

If you’re interested, you can see some of my writing samples in my portfolios.

Blog Post Samples
Research Paper Samples
E-Book Samples
Planner Samples


Hi! I'm Charli Wheeler
I am a freelancer and do-er of all the things. I am a content creator, blogger, certified business coach, certified life coach, and virtual assistant. I also do transcription, captioning, and proofreading work.

I can help you overcome confidence issues, get rid of imposter syndrome and learn to communicate better in all situations.

I can build you a basic website with an online store, organize and manage your email, and handle your customer support.

You should focus on the areas that are income-producing and in your zone of genius. Let me handle everything else for you!

I am a lifelong learner with a Bachelor’s in Marketing Management, an MBA, and a Master’s in Management and Leadership. After that, I decided to go a different route academically, so I’m currently working on a Bachelor’s of Psychology.

I’m a mother of three adult children and a caretaker for my disabled veteran dad. I love animals and have 4 cats, a little dog, and a big dog that I inherited from my mom. I have a collection of succulent plants that I try very hard to keep alive.

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